The difference between 3 tab shingles and dimensional (or architectural) shingles.

When discussing Asphalt shingles and how to get more out of your roof, a quick understanding of your roof will help you make better decisions of what it needs and when to budget for replacement. First determine what you have. Most homes or buildings here locally have either 3 tab shingles or dimensional shingles. 3-tab shingles Dimensional shingles 3-tab shingles and dimensional shingles differ primarily in their appearance, structure, and performance: Appearance: 3-tab shingles have a uniform, flat design with three distinct tabs or cut-outs, creating a simple, single-layered look. Dimensional shingles (also called architectural [...]

By |2024-12-13T14:25:38-05:00December 13, 2024|Uncategorized|

Know what is in your home owners policy!

Review your insurance policy. So many people ask me what insurance should I have? While that is a great question, the more important question is what should I have IN my home owners policy? I like to do so in January right after new years when I do my smoke detector batteries. It is possible for some policies to change without you knowing. You may receive an email in your junk box that says your roof has reached 15 years old and you policy is automatically moving to an ACV policy and you don’t even [...]

By |2024-03-08T08:10:10-05:00March 8, 2024|Insurance|

Do you have Matching Endorsement?

The importance of having MATCHING ENDORESEMENT on your home owner’s insurance policy. In the state of Indiana, we do not have a “matching” or “line of site” regulation on property insurance. Kentucky does. Kentucky’s can be found here (Title 806, Chapter 12, Regulation 095, section 9 (1)(b). Because the state of Indiana does not have a “matching” or “line of site” regulation on property insurance you should absolutely make sure you have a matching endorsement on your policy. It is up to you, not your agent, to make sure you are fully insured. The [...]

By |2024-03-06T12:55:04-05:00September 26, 2020|Insurance|
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